Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School is a learning community dedicated to providing transitional kindergarten through eighth-grade students with the highest quality values-based education, integrating faith formation with a solid academic curriculum. With a caring faculty and strong parental involvement, OLPH Catholic School seeks to actively guide and support each student’s academic, spiritual and personal growth.

Philosophy Statement

Working in partnership with parents as the primary educators, our Catholic school community is committed to the development of the child in all aspects of life.


By creating a curriculum based on values and the Catholic faith, we develop Ambassadors for Christ who reflect a deep relationship with God and show a profound respect for life and a joy in living out the Gospel values. Read more on our Faith Life page.


We promote in each child a passion for learning, a desire to do one’s best, and the aspiration to continue the educational process throughout his/her life. We build on the Catholic school tradition of excellence in education by offering a strong academic program taught by fully credentialed teachers, many with advanced degrees.

Discipline and Leadership

We provide an atmosphere where students show self-discipline, take responsibility for their behavior, balance justice with mercy and make decisions based on the common good. We nurture in our students the moral character traits and leadership skills that will make them effective leaders throughout their lives and show a genuine respect for all human beings. Visit our Student Learning Expectations page for more information.

Our Mission Statement and Philosophy Reflect the Vatican II Documents, which state the following:

Since every man of whatever race, condition and age is endowed with the dignity of a person, he has an inalienable right to education corresponding to his proper destiny and suited to his native talents, his sex, his cultural background and his ancestral heritage. At the same time, this education should pave the way to brotherly association with other peoples so that genuine unity and peace on earth may be promoted. For a true education aims at the formation of the human person with respect to the good of those societies of which, as a man, he is a member, and in whose responsibilities, as an adult, he will share.