School begins at 7:50 a.m. with students gathering for morning prayers outdoors on Tuesdays and Thursdays and indoors on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Students may be dropped off as early as 7:30 a.m. Dismissal is at 2:50 p.m. for all grades. Before- and after-school care is available each day at 6:45 a.m. and after school from dismissal to 6 p.m.

Yes, we are proud to say that we are accredited by the Western Catholic Educational Association and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. To learn more, visit our Accreditation page.

We are blessed at OLPH Catholic School to have a highly qualified and caring staff. All our teachers possess California teaching credentials, and several have earned master’s degrees.

Yes, we follow the California State Standards, as well as Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards.

Yes, we have iPads in every classroom and are also very fortunate to have a well-stocked computer lab staffed by a highly qualified teacher. In addition, we currently have a large flat-panel touch screen and digital document camera in each classroom. Visit our Technology page for more information.

We have a wide variety of after-school sports. For girls, we compete in volleyball, basketball, soccer and softball. For boys, we compete in flag football, basketball and soccer. Students in grades third through eighth can join Student Council. We also have a student choir, and students have the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument. To learn more, visit our Activities & Clubs page.

All our students must be 4 years old on or before September 1 to begin our TK program. No exceptions will be made.

To learn more about what our TK offers, visit our Transitional Kindergarten page.

All our students must be 5 years old on or before September 1 to begin our kindergarten program. No exceptions will be made.

To learn more about our program, visit our Kindergarten page.

Yes, all our students wear uniforms. More information can be found on our Student Guideline page.

Every aspect of our school life is based on the tenets of our Catholic faith. Our school motto, “Ambassadors for Christ,” is not just mere words, but it is truly faith in action. Our faith is intertwined into every subject throughout the day whenever possible. Mass is a very special part of our school. Students attend Mass each week. Prayer is also an integral part of our school day. Each morning, we begin with prayer and a short assembly. Students also pray before lunch and at the end of the day. For more information, visit our Faith Life page.

Our school year begins mid-August and ends mid-June with traditional Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter breaks.

Yes, each family is required to volunteer 40 service hours per school year. 

We have an outside food-service program that makes and serves daily hot lunches. Students must pre-order and prepay on a monthly basis. The cost of lunch is $6 per day, per student. View our Lunches page for this month’s menu items.

Yes, two meetings are scheduled in the evening for parents only during the school year. These meetings are mandatory, and a $50 fee is assessed for nonattendance. Meetings are scheduled on the school calendar.

We consider our classrooms full at 35 students. The TK class can accommodate 25 students.

Yes, transitional kindergarten has two part-time aides, and kindergarten through third grade have aides in the classroom, as well.

Yes. In order to meet the cost of running the school, we rely on profits earned through various fundraisers. Our school families are assessed a $200 fee, which gives them two tickets to our Spring Gala. Also, families are strongly encouraged to participate in other fundraising efforts. To learn more, visit our Fundraising page.

All students participate in the Accelerated Reader program, and some teachers use web-based programs such as MobyMax, Duolingo and Mystery Science to supplement their academic offerings. Students also attend technology, music, art and PE classes each week.

If students stay the Catholic route, the majority of our students will go to Bishop Alemany. Other Catholic options our students have chosen are Notre Dame, Chaminade, Crespi, St. Francis or Paraclete. If they choose to enter the public school system, many will attend Hart if they have younger siblings still at our school or they will attend their home high school.

Please reach out to the school office at (661) 259-1141 and we can arrange for your child to be baptized or receive First Holy Communion. We also can arrange classes for any adults who would like to become Catholic.