What Students Learn in First Grade

There is so much to learn in first grade. A big piece of the day is spent on reading, writing, listening and speaking. Students use the Accelerated Reader program to improve their reading fluency and increase their comprehension level. The class experiences good literature throughout the year with stories read aloud. Spelling, grammar and language conventions are taught alongside first grade’s reading series. Students receive and are tested on spelling words weekly.

First-grade students build on the number concepts and the skills they learned in kindergarten. First-graders continue to work on their addition and subtraction skills with accuracy. They are introduced to place value, measurement and basic geometry. Time and money concepts are also taught.

First-graders pray daily and attend Mass each week. Their religion book teaches about the students’ Catholic faith through stories. First-graders learn about Jesus’ life and the liturgical calendar, and they sing songs joyfully for the Lord.

First-grade students learn about America and their place in the world. They examine the geographic and economic aspects of life in their own neighborhoods and compare them to those of people long ago. Students explore the varied backgrounds of American citizens and learn about the symbols, icons and songs that reflect their common heritage. They will understand the significance of national holidays and the heroism and achievements of the people associated with them.

Science units afford the opportunity to give hands-on learning through experiments. Students explore varied topics such as weather, plants, light and shadows, and farm to food. Students will be exposed to the scientific method of acquiring knowledge. This teaches students to collect data and to use careful observations to predict, question and form hypotheses.

It is key for first-graders to graduate feeling confident in their school life. They need to be proficient in their foundational skills to ensure success. Many lessons teach the nuances of making friends and being empathetic and kind to their classmates. First grade is a beginning place for children to see and value varying points of view. Our classroom works to be a family of friends away from home.

Please label these items:

  • 1 backpack
  • 1 lunchbox
  • 1 water bottle
  • 1 plastic pencil box
  • 1 pair headphones
  • 1 pair child scissors

Please DO NOT label these items:

  • 1 ream white card-stock paper
  • 3 boxes Crayola crayons (24-count)
  • 1 box Crayola thick markers
  • 1 box Crayola thin markers
  • 1 box Crayola watercolor pencils (24-count)
  • 1 plastic two-pocket red folder
  • 2 black composition books (primary) **DO NOT LABEL**
  • 6 boxes Kleenex tissues (We will request again at winter break.)
  • 1 box Band-Aids (assorted sizes)
  • 4 cylinders Clorox wipes
  • 1 pack Post-it notes (3×3)
  • 1 pack Post-it notes (2×2)
  • 4 packages unscented baby wipes
  • 1 box Ziploc gallon-size plastic bags

Each student should bring one or more reams of 500 sheets or more of white copy paper for the school office labeled with his or her name.