Welcome Back to Our 2024-2025 Season!

We are the Dolphins!

Our goal in providing a sports program is to help our students mature as athletes by providing valuable life lessons in teamwork, sportsmanship, winning, losing and hard work. We aspire to develop students’ hearts, minds and attitudes through participating in interscholastic athletics, striving for excellence and pursuing all things to the glory of God!

Member: Santa Clarita Athletic Independent League (SCAIL)

Fall Sports

  • Middle School Boys Basketball (6th-8th)
  • Middle School Boys Volleyball (6th-8th)
  • Middle School Girls Softball (6th-8th)
  • Elementary Boys Soccer (3rd-6th)
  • Elementary Girls Basketball (3rd-6th)
  • Peewee Flag Football (K-2nd)

Winter Sports

  • Middle School Boys Flag Football (6th-8th)
  • Middle School Girls Volleyball (6th-8th)
  • Elementary Girls Soccer (3rd-6th)
  • Elementary Boys Basketball (3rd-6th)
  • Peewee Soccer (K-2nd)

Spring Sports

  • Middle School Girls Soccer (6th-8th)
  • Middle School Girls Basketball (6th-8th)
  • Middle School Boys Soccer (6th-8th)
  • Elementary Girls Volleyball (3rd-6th)
  • Elementary Boys Flag Football (3rd-6th)
  • Peewee Basketball (K-2nd)

*Teams are dependent on having a volunteer parent coach, enough players to field a team and teams to compete against.

Game schedules will be updated soon.

There are currently nine members of SCAIL:

  1. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School
  2. Gorman Learning Center Santa Clarita
  3. Delphi Academy of Los Angeles
  4. Trinity Classical Academy
  5. Legacy Christian Academy
  6. Santa Clarita Christian School
  7. Santa Clarita Valley International School
  8. Concordia Christian School
  9. ILEAD Schools Agua Dulce
Game Locations & Addresses
Our Lady of Perpetual Help School (OLPH)23225 Lyons AvenueNewhall91321
Legacy Christian Academy27680 Dickason DriveValencia91355
Trinity Classical Academy28310 Kelly Johnson ParkwayValencia91355
Santa Clarita Christian School (SCCS)27249 Luther DriveSanta Clarita91351
Gorman Learning Center (GLC)16530 Lost Canyon RoadCanyon Country91387
Delphi Academy11341 Brainard AvenueLake View Terrace91342
Concordia Christian School16603 San Fernando Mission BlvdGranada Hills91344
Santa Clarita Valley International (SCVi)28060 Hasley Canyon RoadCastaic91384
Tesoro Sports ParkRancho TesoroSanta Clarita91354
Santa Clarita Sports Complex20870 Centre Pointe ParkwaySanta Clarita91350
Valencia Heritage Park24155 Newhall Ranch RoadValencia91355
Newhall Church of the Nazarene23857 The Old RoadNewhall91321
Bridgeport23521 Bridgeport LaneSanta Clarita91355
Central Park27150 Bouquet Canyon RoadSanta Clarita91350
Los Angeles Volleyball Academy (LAVA)28325 Constellation RoadValencia91355
Santa Clarita Sports Center25385 Rye Canyon RoadValenica91355
Circle J Ranch Park22651 Via PrincessaSanta Clarita91350
Old Orchard Park25023 Ave RotellaSanta Clarita91355

For additional information, please contact:
Vlad Villapando: OLPH Athletic Director
(661) 645-5018 – vvillapando@olphscmail.org

Earn Volunteer Hours

Coaches: Coaches will earn 20 volunteer hours for each sport they coach upon completion of the season and the return of the borrowed equipment. If you’d like to coach a sport (or sports), please complete our coach sign-up form.

Coaches’ duties: Coaches must be VIRTUS trained (current) and fingerprinted (through the Los Angeles Archdiocese), establish a practice schedule, distribute jerseys, collect signed athletic permission slips, set up the field to play, make sure all equipment is on-site, pick-up equipment after each practice and game, break down the field, return all borrowed equipment, collect jerseys and return them to the school (except peewee teams), and communicate with parents.

Team Moms (optional): Team moms must be VIRTUS trained (current) and fingerprinted (through the Los Angeles Archdiocese). Team moms will earn five volunteer hours for each team they volunteer, and duties will be assigned by the coach.

Thank you for your support of our sports teams!

Sports Handbook

Please take time to read our sports handbook. All participants must commit to the policies and be willing to follow the guidelines before becoming involved in the program.