Health Office
The health office is open from 8 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. during regularly scheduled school days and 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on half days.
To report an absence, please contact the health office at (661) 259-1141 ext. 1016 or
*Parents are required to report all confirmed or suspected contagious diseases to the health office.
My child has a doctor’s appointment and needs to leave school early, what do I do?
- When your child arrives at school, he/she should let the teacher know that he/she will be leaving early that day. When you pick up your child, please go to the front office so he/she can be called out of class and signed out.
My child is sick and missed three consecutive days of school.
- The health office requires a note from your child’s physician. It should include dates of illness, a diagnosis and date to return to school. Please contact the health office if you have further questions.
- The health office adheres to all HIPAA compliance guidelines; all student medical information will be kept confidential.
My child was prescribed a short-term medication (i.e., antibiotics, allergy pills) that he/she needs to take while at school, can my child just carry it in a backpack?
- No. You must print the school medical form and have it completed by the physician requesting and granting permission for the health office assistant to administer the medication. Once the form is filled out and signed, please upload the form here or bring the authorized form, medication and medication directions to the health office and sign the school medication check-in log. Your child will report to the health office during the school day so the medication can be dispensed to him/her.
Every student entering kindergarten needs to have this health examination form completed by their pediatrician and returned to the school before the first day of school. Forms can be uploaded at the bottom of this page or turned into the health office.
Students are advised to stay home if suffering from active illness in order to protect other students and staff from possible disease transmission. If a student has the following symptoms, he/she should stay home until 24-hour symptom-free, without medication: fever, throwing up and diarrhea.
When a student becomes ill or injured during school, the teacher or staff member will send the student to the health office for evaluation. If a student needs to be sent home, the health office assistant will call the parent/guardian. For certain minor injuries, the health office assistant will notify the parent/guardian by email.
All medications, including over-the-counter and prescribed drugs, must be kept in the health office.
Students requiring any daily or long-term medications that need to be taken during school hours must have the school medical form printed or uploaded by their parent/guardian and completed by the physician requesting and granting permission for the health office assistant to administer the medication. Forms can be uploaded here or brought to the health office.
Medications must be sent to the school in the original container and will be stored in a locked cabinet in the health office. All medications must be kept with the health office assistant. Diabetic students are permitted to carry necessary supplies related to diabetes management.