Uniform Guidelines
Uniforms are a positive discipline in the school. OLPH emphasizes the value of a disciplined learning environment. Just as dressing up, even wearing uniforms, is a part of the workday for parents, a school uniform helps set an atmosphere and tone for the important task of learning. Uniforms prevent problems associated with the subjective interpretation of a dress code policy. Uniforms help promote unity among the student body, assist in developing a good self and school image, and decrease peer pressure by lessening the clothing competition between students. Uniforms eliminate any confusion about what is acceptable, modest and appropriate by OLPH’s standards. Our uniform vendor provides economical and durable items. Often parents need only purchase two or three sets of uniforms to last throughout the school year, and usually these same items can be handed down to other students.
Read the following uniform policy to get details on shoes, socks, outerwear, etc.
Uniforms can be purchased at Gloria’s Uniforms.
Boys: Boys are required to have a traditional haircut — no fads, perms, mullets or extreme cuts. A traditional gentlemen’s haircut is off the face, above the eyebrows, around the ears, off the collar, neatly groomed and their natural color. No noticeable facial hair.
Girls: Hair should be their natural color and no fads or extensions added. Extreme hairstyles are not permitted. Hair bows and barrettes should be no bigger than 2 inches and must be in neutral colors such as silver, gold, black, white, tan, yellow and navy.
Boys: In keeping with conservative Catholic values, boys may not wear earrings or rings and may only wear a small religious necklace or bracelet on campus. No smartwatches are allowed on campus.
Girls: In keeping with conservative Catholic values, girls may wear one set of stud earrings and may only wear a small religious necklace or bracelet on campus. No rings may be worn. No smartwatches are allowed on campus.
Students may not wear makeup of any kind, including tinted lip gloss, nail polish or artificial nails.
Spiritwear, including sweatshirts, is ONLY allowed to be worn on spiritwear days.
Free Dress
Careful consideration should be made when selecting an outfit. Clothing should not be too low-cut, short, see-through, thin-strapped, strapless or backless. Do not wear clothing with rips or tears, and no bare midriffs allowed. Violations on free-dress days could result in a loss of privileges to participate in free-dress days.
Charcoal uniform shorts
Grades TK through first may wear shorts with the elastic waistband.
Charcoal uniform pants
Grades TK through first may wear pants with the elastic waistband.
Polo Shirt
Light blue or yellow long- or short-sleeved polo with logo on it (No other shirts should be worn underneath.)
Shirts should be tucked in.
Navy blue fleece with school logo or waterproof heavier jacket with logo
Belt must be black and is required with formal uniform, excluding grades TK through first if wearing pants with elastic waistband.
Solid black, solid white or black and white lace-up oxford-style or tennis shoes only (solid black or solid white laces)
No slip-ons, no high-tops and no patterns, cartoon characters or skulls
White socks (no logos)
PE Shorts
Navy mesh with school logo
PE Shirts
Gray T-shirt with school logo (No other shirts should be worn underneath.)
PE Pants
Grades K-1: Navy sweatpants with school logo
Grades 2-8: Navy microfiber athletic pants with school logo
PE Jacket
Grades K-1: Navy front-zippered sweatshirt with school logo
Grades 2-8 : Navy athletic microfiber zipper jacket with school logo
Formal uniform can be worn anytime but MUST be worn on formal uniform days.
Charcoal uniform pants only
Grades TK through first may wear pants with the elastic waistband.
Grades K-8: Solid black dress shoes (solid black laces); no tennis shoes
White socks (no logos)
White short- or long-sleeved oxford with school logo
School fleece or waterproof jacket with school logo
Solid navy blue only (no other colors or prints)
Belt must be black and is required with formal uniform, excluding grades TK through first if wearing pants with elastic waistband.
Formal uniform can be worn anytime but MUST be worn on formal uniform days.
Grades K-4: Navy plaid (Must be knee length, and bike shorts are required under dresses.)
Grades 5-8: Navy plaid (Must be knee length, and bike shorts are required under skirts.)
Grades K-4: White with lace collar to be worn with jumper
Grades 5-8: White fitted ¾ length sleeve with school logo (Solid white tank tops are allowed under this but should not be visible.)
Grades 5-8: Cross plaid tie
White socks (no logos)
White tights may be worn under jumpers/skirts (no leggings).
Black dress shoes; no tennis shoes
School fleece or waterproof jacket with school logo
Charcoal uniform shorts (elastic waist)
Charcoal uniform pants (elastic waist)
Teal dry fit (long- or short-sleeved shirt with logo)
Navy blue fleece with logo or waterproof heavier jacket with logo
Solid black, solid white or black and white Velcro shoes only
No slip-ons, no high-tops and no patterns, cartoon characters or skulls.
White socks (no logos)
TK students will not wear a PE uniform.
TK students will not wear a formal uniform.
- The school staff, faculty and administration will enforce the Uniform and Dress Code Policy. Interpretation and application of the Uniform and Dress Code Policy will be the responsibility of the OLPH faculty and staff.
- Students not complying with the Uniform and Dress Code Policy may be required to rectify their appearance immediately, at the discretion of an administrator. This may include removing the prohibited item or waiting in the school office while a parent is called to campus with the appropriate clothing item.
- Cheerful, consistent compliance is expected. Students who violate the Uniform and Dress Code Policy, either by action or by challenging and rebellious attitudes, will be subject to disciplinary actions.
Parent/Student Handbook
This handbook is intended to serve as a guide to help students and their families come to know about the programs and opportunities at OLPH Catholic School as well as to set forth basic expectations for students. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the content. We are hopeful that the handbook will answer many questions you may have about academics, conduct and other day-to-day aspects of school life at OLPH.
Please understand that no set of rules or guidelines can cover every conceivable situation that may arise. The rules, policies and procedures set forth in this handbook are intended to apply under normal circumstances. However, from time to time, there may be situations that require immediate or nonstandard responses. This handbook does not limit the authority of OLPH Catholic School to deviate from normal rules and procedures set forth in this handbook. OLPH Catholic School reserves the authority to deal with individual circumstances as they arise in the manner we deem most appropriate, taking into consideration the best interests of the school, its faculty, students and overall school community.
These policies may be revised or updated periodically, even during the school year. If a major policy revision is made, you will be informed.